Tom Hardy的Splinter Cell电影被取消了 但UbiSoft推出动画系列和游戏重拍 Tom Hardy's Splinter Cell movie is canceled, but Ubisoft pushes ahead with an animated series and a game remake.
以Tom Hardy为主的Splinter Cell电影因剧本和预算问题正式取消。 The Splinter Cell movie starring Tom Hardy has been officially canceled due to script and budget issues. 尽管遭遇挫折, Ubisoft 仍与一个名为“ 滑板细胞: 死亡观察” 的动画系列一同前进, 准备在Netflix首映, 由Liev Schreiber 发表主角, Sam Fisher。 Despite the setback, Ubisoft is moving forward with an animated series called "Splinter Cell: Deathwatch," set to debut on Netflix with Liev Schreiber voicing the lead character, Sam Fisher. 该公司还正在重塑第一场Splinter Cell游戏。 The company is also working on a remake of the first Splinter Cell game.