巴基斯坦敦促私人机构雇佣前军方人员, Pakistan urges private agencies to hire ex-military for Chinese workers' safety post-bombing.
巴基斯坦建议私营保安机构雇用前军事人员保护信德省从事项目工作的中国国民, 在卡拉奇机场附近发生自杀爆炸, 造成两名中国工程师死亡。 Pakistan advises private security agencies to hire former military personnel to protect Chinese nationals working on projects in Sindh province, following a suicide bombing near Karachi airport that killed two Chinese engineers. 信德省政府开通了一条中国国民与执法部门联系的热线,并正在对目前的私人保安人员进行审计。 The Sindh government has set up a hotline for Chinese nationals to contact law enforcement and is conducting audits of current private security guards. 此举的目的是,在中国国民成为恐怖分子和分裂主义团体袭击目标之后,加强安全。 This move aims to improve security after Chinese nationals were targeted by terrorists and separatist groups.