Numab和Kaken合作开发新的IBD抗体,Kaken先付13M瑞士法郎。 Numab and Kaken partner to develop new IBD antibody, with Kaken paying CHF 13M upfront.
Numab治疗和Kaken制药公司合作开发了ND081,一种治疗炎性肠道疾病的创新抗体(IBD)。 Numab Therapeutics and Kaken Pharmaceutical have teamed up to develop ND081, an innovative antibody for treating inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Kaken将为早期发展阶段提供资金,以换取某些亚洲区域的潜在商业权利,预付1 300万瑞士法郎左右的努马布。 Kaken will fund early development phases in exchange for potential commercial rights in certain Asian regions, paying Numab around CHF 13 million upfront. 该伙伴关系利用两家公司的专长推进新的综合防治治疗。 The partnership leverages both companies' expertise to advance new IBD treatments.