尼日利亚总统蒂努布在逝世后向陆军参谋长拉格巴贾颁发国家荣誉勋章,以表彰他服兵役。Nigerian President Tinubu posthumously awards Chief of Army Staff Lagbaja a national honor for his military service.
尼日利亚总统蒂努布曾向已故陆军参谋长拉格巴贾授予称为联邦共和国司令官(CFR)的民族荣誉。Nigerian President Tinubu has bestowed a posthumous national honor, known as the Commander of the Federal Republic (CFR), on the late Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Lagbaja.这一承认突出了拉格巴贾对尼日利亚军队的贡献。This recognition highlights Lagbaja's contributions to the Nigerian military.