包括4名青少年在内的5人被判犯有谋杀2名布里斯托尔青少年的罪行。 Five people, including four teens, were found guilty of murdering two Bristol teens in a case of mistaken identity.
五人,包括一名45岁的男子和四名青少年,被判定犯有谋杀两名布里斯托尔青少年Mason Rist和Max Dixon的错误身份案件。 Five individuals, including a 45-year-old man and four teenagers, were found guilty of murdering two Bristol teens, Mason Rist and Max Dixon, in a case of mistaken identity. 受害者被错误地确定为应对早些时候的投掷砖块事件负责的人,并被用砍刀追赶和攻击,受致命的刺伤。 The victims were wrongly identified as responsible for an earlier brick-throwing incident and were chased and attacked with machetes, suffering fatal stab wounds. 包括离家出走司机在内的袭击者在经过为期六周的审判后被定罪,闭路电视录像显示这次疯狂袭击。 The attackers, including the getaway driver, were convicted after a six-week trial, with CCTV footage showing the frenzied attack.