作为安全运动的一部分,迪拜警察在Al Khawaneej扣押了26辆吵闹的、非法改装的车辆。 Dubai Police impound 26 noisy, illegally modified vehicles in Al Khawaneej as part of a safety campaign.
在对吵闹车辆的镇压中,迪拜警察在Al Khawaneej地区没收了23辆汽车和3辆摩托车,因为非法改装造成过度噪音。 In a crackdown on noisy vehicles, Dubai Police seized 23 cars and three motorbikes in the Al Khawaneej area for illegal modifications causing excessive noise. 作为“人人享有安全道路”运动的一部分,这项行动对违法者处以24项罚款。 Part of the "A Safe Road for Everyone" campaign, the operation issued 24 fines to violators. 车辆经改装可提高速度或噪音,可被扣押,罚款最高可达10 000迪拉姆。 Vehicles with modifications that increase speed or noise can be impounded, with fines up to Dh10,000. 当局警告不要鲁莽驾驶,并敦促居民报告违规情况。 Authorities warn against reckless driving and urge residents to report violations.