Denzel Washington与查尔斯三世国王的尴尬遭遇 在“二号巨人”首映中成为头条新闻。 Denzel Washington's awkward encounter with King Charles III at "Gladiator II" premiere made headlines.
Denzel Washington在伦敦首映《二号鳄鱼》时, 与查尔斯三世国王有过紧张的遭遇, 不确定是否要握手。 At the London premiere of "Gladiator II," Denzel Washington had a nervous encounter with King Charles III, unsure whether to shake his hand. 华盛顿开玩笑说他的尴尬, 称自己为 "一个可怕的... 可爱的男人" Washington joked about his awkwardness, calling himself "an awful... lovely man." 查尔斯国王赞扬了华盛顿在短暂互动期间的电影生涯。 King Charles praised Washington's film career during their brief interaction. 这部电影由雷德利·斯科特执导,定于 11 月 15 日上映,讲述了马克西姆斯的儿子卢修斯成为角斗士的故事。 The film, directed by Ridley Scott, is set for release on November 15 and follows the story of Maximus' son, Lucius, who becomes a gladiator.