中国会议寻求促进与非洲的文化和旅游业联系。 Conference in China seeks to boost cultural and tourism ties with Africa.
2024年中国-非洲文化和旅游合作及交流会议于11月8日在中国金华举行。 The 2024 China-Africa Cultural and Tourism Cooperation & Exchange Conference took place in Jinhua, China, on November 8. 来自非洲国家、中国政府部门和专家的240多名代表齐聚一堂,讨论加强文化和旅游交流的问题。 Over 240 representatives from African countries, Chinese government departments, and experts gathered to discuss enhancing cultural and tourism exchanges. 这次活动旨在通过 " 丝绸之路文化倡议 " ,促进相互进步和改善旅行经验。 The event aimed to foster mutual progress and improve travel experiences through the cultural Silk Road initiative.