中国空间站举办了43天的斑马鱼研究,标志着空间生态系统技术的进步。 China's space station hosts 43-day zebrafish study, marking progress in space ecosystem tech.
中国在其空间站成功进行了为期43天的斑马鱼实验,取得了新纪录。 China has achieved a new record with a successful 43-day zebrafish experiment aboard its space station. 封闭水生生态系统看到斑马鱼完成其生命周期阶段,标志着空间生态系统技术的进步。 The closed aquatic ecosystem saw zebrafish complete their life cycle stages, marking progress in space ecosystem technology. 研究人员观察到鱼在微重力中表现出不寻常的行为,如上下游。 Researchers observed the fish exhibited unusual behavior in microgravity, such as upside-down swimming. 水样品已返回地球进一步研究,可能对生命科学研究和药物开发作出贡献。 Water samples have been returned to Earth for further study, with potential contributions to life science research and drug development.