柏林的一家初创公司提供冷冻保存服务,在尸体死后冷冻尸体,以备将来可能复活。 A Berlin startup offers cryopreservation service, freezing bodies post-mortem for potential future revival.
柏林的一个新开办机构正在提供一项服务,在死后冻结人们的尸体,客户每月付费。 A new startup in Berlin is offering a service to freeze people's bodies after death, with customers paying a monthly fee. 这项冷冻保存服务旨在保存身体,以期未来的医学进步有可能使人们起死回生。 This cryopreservation service aims to preserve the body in hopes of future medical advancements that could potentially bring people back to life. 公司需要存款和不断付款才能将尸体存放在低温贮存室。 The company requires a deposit and ongoing payments to maintain the body in cryogenic storage.