两所Readfield,缅因州,学校在“有关事件”后关闭,当局正在调查。 Two Readfield, Maine, schools closed after a "concerning incident," with authorities investigating.
缅因州Readfield的两所学校因前一天报导的「有关事件」而于星期四关闭。 Two schools in Readfield, Maine, closed on Thursday due to a "concerning incident" reported the previous day. Maranacook社区中学和Maranacook社区高中正与Kennebec县警察局合作进行调查。 Maranacook Community Middle School and Maranacook Community High School are working with the Kennebec County Sheriff's Office to investigate. 为了确保学生和工作人员的安全,所有活动,包括会议和体育活动,都被取消了,作为预防措施。 All activities, including meetings and sports practices, were canceled as a precaution to ensure student and staff safety. 没有披露有关该事件的任何细节。 No details about the incident were disclosed.