两名被定罪的罪犯Joseph Boyer和Melissa Mills对其暴力和虐待的判刑提出上诉。 Two convicted criminals, Joseph Boyer and Melissa Mills, have filed appeals against their sentences for violence and abuse.
两名被定罪的被告Joseph Boyer和Melissa Mills已向第七区上诉法院提出上诉。 Two convicted defendants, Joseph Boyer and Melissa Mills, have filed appeals with the Seventh District Court of Appeals. Boyer因2022年的刀袭和家庭暴力被判处8至12年徒刑,而Mills因在2020年虐待儿童而被判处4至6年徒刑。 Boyer was sentenced to eight to 12 years for a 2022 knife attack and domestic violence, while Mills received four to six years for abusing a child in 2020. 他们的律师已请求替代上诉律师,在上诉之前暂缓执行判决。 Their attorneys have requested substitute appellate counsel and stays of the sentences pending appeal.