Elizabeth Warren参议员在参议院委员会中 成为顶尖的民主党员 对加密货币政策至关重要 Senator Elizabeth Warren becomes top Democrat on Senate committee key to cryptocurrency policy.
Elizabeth Warren参议员将成为参议院银行、住房和城市事务委员会的最高民主党,这是制定加密货币政策的关键职位。 Senator Elizabeth Warren is set to become the top Democrat on the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee, a key position for shaping cryptocurrency policy. 将取代俄亥俄州参议员谢罗德·布朗(Sherrod Brown), 她面临行业反对。 Warren, known for her critical stance on the crypto sector, will replace Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown, who faced industry opposition. 由于现在共和党在参议院占多数,预计沃伦的作用将增加对数字资产的审查。 With Republicans now in the Senate majority, Warren's role is expected to increase scrutiny on digital assets.