全国学校为Ruby Bridges漫步学校日,讨论社会正义和教育平等。 Schools nationwide marked Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day, discussing social justice and educational equality.
佛蒙特州、纽约和南佛罗里达州各地的学校都纪念星期四的Ruby Bridges步行上学日, Schools across Vermont, New York, and South Florida commemorated Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day on Thursday, marking 64 years since Bridges integrated a New Orleans school in 1960. 活动包括关于社会正义的讨论、关于种族主义的教训以及强调教育差距的集会,特别是低收入学生在数学熟练程度方面的差异。 Events included discussions on social justice, lessons on racism, and rallies highlighting educational disparities, particularly in math proficiency for low-income students. 该日还促进了安全和包容性,全国有1 000多所学校和500 000名参与者。 The day also promoted safety and inclusivity, with over 1,000 schools and 500,000 participants nationwide.