有名的孟加拉音乐家Sanjay Chakraborty在孟买被捕, 罪名是猥亵一名未成年学生。 Renowned Bengali musician Sanjay Chakraborty arrested in Mumbai on charges of molesting a minor student.
有名的孟加拉音乐家Sanjay Chakraborty在孟买被加尔各答警方逮捕,罪名是猥亵一名未成年学生。 Renowned Bengali musician Sanjay Chakraborty was arrested in Mumbai by Kolkata Police on charges of molesting a minor student. Chakraborty是著名的音乐家Pandit Ajoy Chakraborty的弟弟,现在被警方拘留至11月18日。 Chakraborty, brother of acclaimed musician Pandit Ajoy Chakraborty, is now in police custody until November 18. 调查是在受害者父母提出申诉之后进行的,警方将进一步审查据称事件发生在加尔各答的他音乐学校的闭路电视录像。 The investigation follows a complaint filed by the victim's parents, and police will further examine CCTV footage from his music school in Kolkata where the alleged incident occurred.