在IFFI首映的电影《Hisab Barabar》中, R. Madhavan明星在《Hisab Barabar》中揭发金融欺诈。 R. Madhavan stars in "Hisaab Barabar," a film premiering at the IFFI, about uncovering a financial fraud.
11月26日印度第55届国际电影节首映的电影《Hisaab Barabar》, R. Madhavan stars in "Hisaab Barabar," a film premiering at the 55th International Film Festival of India on November 26. 这部电影由Ashwni Dhir导演, 紧随马达万(Madhavan)作为火车票检票员, 他揭发了尼尔·尼丁·穆凯什(Neil Nitin Mukesh)策划的由强势银行家策划的金融诈骗计划。 Directed by Ashwni Dhir, the movie follows Madhavan as a railway ticket checker who uncovers a financial fraud scheme orchestrated by a powerful banker, played by Neil Nitin Mukesh. 这部电影由Jio Studio Studios和SP Cinecorp制作,探讨腐败和个人问责的主题。 The film, produced by Jio Studios and SP Cinecorp, delves into themes of corruption and personal accountability.