PMG 基金发行了可持续性报告,展示了对商业财产的绿色投资和节能。 PMG Funds releases sustainability report, showcasing green investments and energy savings in commercial properties.
以陶兰加为基地的PMG基金发表了其第三次年度可持续性报告《领导、推动和成功》,强调可持续性在其投资战略中的重要性。 Tauranga-based PMG Funds released its third annual sustainability report, "Lead, Inspire, and Succeed," emphasizing the importance of sustainability in its investment strategy. 报告重点介绍了和平管理小组通过安装绿色资产、智能建筑管理和租户协作,努力改善商业地产部门的环境、社会和财政成果。 The report highlights PMG's efforts to improve environmental, social, and financial outcomes in the commercial property sector through installation of green assets, smart building management, and tenant collaboration. PMG在其投资组合中增加了一座5座绿色之星NZ级建筑,并实现了大量节能和租户满意度。 PMG added a 5 Green Star NZ-rated building to its portfolio and achieved significant energy savings and tenant satisfaction.