匹兹堡法官下令,由于违反酒法和多次报警,将豹派酒吧关闭一年。 Pittsburgh judge orders one-year closure of Panther Pit bar due to liquor law violations and numerous police calls.
匹兹堡的一位法官下令关闭奥克兰的豹嘴酒吧至少一年。 A judge in Pittsburgh has ordered the closure of the Panther Pit bar in Oakland for a minimum of one year. 酒吧被指控在没有酒类执照的情况下经营,不检查身份证,非法提供酒精服务。 The bar was accused of operating without a liquor license, not checking IDs, and serving alcohol illegally. 自2023年以来,该地已成为"麻烦地产", 警方已打发40多次电话, 涉及争斗,未成年人饮酒和与酒精有关的事件. It became a "nuisance property" due to over 40 police calls since 2023, involving fights, underage drinking, and alcohol-related incidents.