爱尔兰绿党可能因推迟征收旨在增加住房的土地保藏税而退出政府。 Irish Green Party threatens to quit government over deferral of land hoarding tax aimed at boosting housing.
爱尔兰的一名绿党部长威胁说,如果推迟征收土地囤积税(对于未开发的住宅区土地,每年征收土地市场价值的3%),则会离开政府。 A Green Party minister in Ireland threatened to leave the government if the land hoarding tax, which charges 3% of the land's market value annually for residential-zoned land not being developed, was deferred. 该税的目的是在住房危机中促进住房发展。 The tax aims to boost housing development amid a housing crisis. 绿党还计划增加空置房屋税,扩大其范围,建立国家废弃场地登记册,以简化翻修工作,促进城镇中心的振兴。 The Green Party also plans to increase the vacant homes tax, expand its scope, and create a national register of derelict sites to streamline renovation work and boost town center revitalization.