囚犯霍克·厄本 (Hawk Urban) 在内华达州高沙漠州立监狱 (High Desert State Prison) 被狱友刺死。 Inmate Hawk Urban was stabbed to death by his cellmate at High Desert State Prison in Nevada.
11月7日, 一名27岁的囚犯, 名叫霍克城(Hawk Urban), 被内华达州高沙漠州监狱的狱友刺死。 A 27-year-old inmate named Hawk Urban was stabbed to death by his cellmate at High Desert State Prison in Nevada on November 7. Urban因被一名囚犯用电池电击而服刑。 Urban was serving a sentence for battery by a prisoner. 这两名囚犯以前在Ely国家监狱被关了约258天,没有任何问题报道。 Both inmates had previously been cellmates at Ely State Prison for about 258 days without any reported issues. 内华达州惩教署正在调查这起事件,尚未公布更多详情。 The Nevada Department of Corrections is investigating the incident and has not released further details.