希腊将1974年塞浦路斯政变和土耳其入侵的文件解密,其目的是改善关系。 Greece declassifies documents on 1974 Cyprus coup and Turkish invasion, aiming to improve relations.
希腊已解密了关于1974年塞浦路斯政变和随后土耳其入侵的58份情报报告,这是这些事件50周年。 Greece has declassified 58 intelligence reports on the 1974 coup in Cyprus and the subsequent Turkish invasion, marking the 50th anniversary of these events. 这些文件在危机期间提供了对希腊观点的深入了解,目的是增进理解。 The documents provide insights into the Greek perspective during the crisis and aim to improve understanding. 释放被视为朝改善希腊和土耳其之间关系迈出的一步,虽然塞浦路斯仍然按族裔划分。 The release is seen as a step toward better relations between Greece and Turkey, though Cyprus remains divided along ethnic lines.