前乌鸦队后卫帕特里克·奎因 (Patrick Queen) 面对他的老东家钢人队,现在是一名全职业球员。 Former Ravens linebacker Patrick Queen faces his old team with the Steelers, now an All-Pro player.
现在是匹兹堡钢人队的后卫帕特里克·奎因 (Patrick Queen) 表示失望,因为巴尔的摩乌队在他成为自由球员时没有提供合同. Patrick Queen, now a linebacker for the Pittsburgh Steelers, expressed disappointment after the Baltimore Ravens did not offer him a contract when he became a free agent. Queen 成为钢人队的全奖选手 将在本周日面对他的前球队 Queen, who became an All-Pro selection with the Steelers, will face his former team this Sunday. 这场比赛特别重要,因为两队都有7-2个记录,女王认为这是一个机会,可以证明他对放他走的队的价值。 The game is particularly significant as both teams have a 7-2 record, and Queen sees it as an opportunity to prove his worth against the team that let him go.