在伊利诺伊州科尔斯县,由于未损坏的氨水罐,避免了半卡车的车祸成为危险事故。 In Coles County, Illinois, a car crash with a semi-truck was avoided from becoming a hazardous incident due to undamaged ammonia tanks.
周三早上在伊利诺伊州科尔斯县,一辆汽车未能在十字路口降落,与一辆装有无水氨水罐的半卡车相撞。 On Wednesday morning in Coles County, Illinois, a car failed to yield at an intersection, colliding with a semi-truck carrying anhydrous ammonia tanks. 汽车司机(一名70岁的妇女)被空运到医院,卡车司机得到治疗并被释放。 The driver of the car, a 70-year-old woman, was airlifted to a hospital, while the truck driver was treated and released. 幸好坦克没有损坏,防止了任何危险气体释放。 Thankfully, the tanks were undamaged, preventing any hazardous gas release. 地方当局正在对坠机事件进行调查。 The crash is under investigation by local authorities.