Barclays警告客户一个骗局,欺诈者冒充银行,提醒他们警惕假交易。 Barclays warns customers of a scam where fraudsters impersonate the bank to alert on fake transactions.
Barclays Bank提醒客户注意一个骗局,欺诈者假冒银行声称存在欺诈性账户交易。 Barclays Bank warned customers about a scam where fraudsters impersonate the bank to claim there are fraudulent transactions on accounts. 如果对来文的真实性不确定,Barclays建议不要答复和报告来文。 If unsure about the authenticity of a communication, Barclays advises not to reply and to report it. 银行还建议挂起可疑的电话,从另一个电话打电话回来,或者如果有159个服务,则使用这一服务。 The bank also recommends hanging up on suspicious calls and calling back from a different phone or using the 159 service if available. 他们的网站上提供骗局信息链接。 A link to scam information is provided on their website.