X4 Pharmaceuticals 报告了治疗慢性中性粒细胞减少症的 mavorixafor 成功的 2 期试验结果。 X4 Pharmaceuticals reports successful Phase 2 trial results for mavorixafor, a treatment for chronic neutropenia.
X4 制药公司宣布了对慢性肺炎治疗 -- -- Mavorixafor -- -- 的第二阶段试验的积极结果。 X4 Pharmaceuticals announced positive results from a Phase 2 trial of mavorixafor, a treatment for chronic neutropenia. 研究表明,该药物增加了参与者的白血细胞计数,并减少了对G-CSF剂量的需求。 The study showed that the drug increased participants' white blood cell counts and reduced the need for G-CSF dosing. X4旨在到2025年年中全面登记其第三阶段试验,并计划在美国发射用于WHIM综合症的XOLREMDI,并在2025年年初提交欧洲批准申请。 X4 aims to fully enroll its Phase 3 trial by mid-2025 and plans to launch XOLREMDI® for WHIM syndrome in the U.S. and submit an application for European approval by early 2025.