Sweet Water 420 Fest在亚特兰大以音乐、艺术及清洁水倡议庆祝20周年。 SweetWater 420 Fest celebrates 20th anniversary with music, art, and clean water initiatives in Atlanta.
Sweet Water 420 Fest在2025年庆祝成立20周年时, 将特别报导Cypress Hill、Marcus King、Revivalists和Greensky Bluegras等头条人物。 SweetWater 420 Fest, celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2025, will feature headliners like Cypress Hill, Marcus King, The Revivalists, and Greensky Bluegrass. 在亚特兰大历史博物馆Pullman Yards举行的为期三天的活动将提供手工艺啤酒、艺术设施和家庭区。 The three-day event at Atlanta's Historic Pullman Yards will offer craft beer, art installations, and a family zone. 一般入场券从每天60美元开始,全周末165美元开始。 General admission tickets start at $60 for a single day and $165 for a full weekend. 甜水会从每张罚单上捐10美元给水手联盟, 用于清洁用水倡议。 SweetWater will donate $10 from each ticket to the Waterkeeper Alliance for clean water initiatives.