南非宣布因严重水灾和风暴造成全国灾难,造成至少10人死亡。 South Africa declares national disaster due to severe floods, storms, causing at least 10 deaths.
南非宣布10月22日至29日发生严重水灾和风暴,造成国家灾难,影响包括东开普省、夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省和高滕省在内的多个省份。 South Africa declared a national disaster due to severe floods and storms between October 22-29, affecting multiple provinces including the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, and Gauteng. 这场灾难造成至少10人死亡和数百人流离失所。 The disaster caused at least 10 deaths and displaced hundreds. 这项宣言使国家政府能够管理清理工作并分配救济资金,这标志着一年中第二次与气候相关的国家灾害。 This declaration allows the national government to manage clean-up and allocate funds for relief, marking the second climate-related national disaster in a year.