警长副警长Devin Williams 在2022年谋杀一对夫妇 被判50年无期徒刑 Sheriff's deputy Devin Williams sentenced to 50 years to life for murdering a couple in 2022.
前阿拉梅达县警长副警长Devin Williams于2022年谋杀了都柏林夫妇Maria和Benison Tran,被判处终身监禁50年。 Devin Williams, a former Alameda County sheriff's deputy, was sentenced to 50 years to life in prison for murdering a Dublin couple, Maria and Benison Tran, in 2022. Williams 26岁 被判一级谋杀罪 Williams, 26, was convicted of first-degree murder. 在经过一次审计后对他的定罪表明,他在被武装起来之前没有完全通过心理评估。 His conviction came after an audit revealed that he had not fully passed a psychological evaluation before being armed. 该案凸显了治安官办公室内部的问题,因为其他47名副警长被认为有可疑的评估。 The case highlighted issues within the Sheriff's Office, as 47 other deputies were found to have questionable assessments. 在判刑期间,Jennifer Madden法官将这一罪行描述为 " 处决 " 。 During sentencing, Judge Jennifer Madden described the crime as an "execution."