七名嫌疑人,包括一名52岁的男子,在肯尼亚因谋杀Wells Fargo经理Willis Ayieko而被逮捕。 Seven suspects, including a 52-year-old man, arrested in Kenya for the murder of Wells Fargo manager Willis Ayieko.
七名嫌疑人,包括一名52岁的男子,因涉嫌在肯尼亚谋杀Wells Fargo HR经理Willis Ayieko而被捕。 Seven suspects, including a 52-year-old man, have been arrested in connection with the murder of Wells Fargo HR manager Willis Ayieko in Kenya. 最新的嫌犯是在Kakamega县根据公开消息被抓获的。 The latest suspect was caught in Kakamega County based on public tips. Ayieko在10月18日失踪后被发现在Mungowere河附近死亡。 Ayieko was found dead near Mungowere stream after going missing on October 18. 据信,该案是一起暴力抢劫案,当局正在追查,以了解犯罪的全部情节。 The case is believed to be a violent robbery, with authorities pursuing leads to understand the full circumstances of the crime.