科学家们在南中国发现了新的树种,增加了该地区的生物多样性。 Scientists discover new tree species in South China, adding to region's biodiversity.
科学家在中国南部广西地区的喀斯特森林中发现了一种新的树种,即Carrea leyensis。 Scientists have discovered a new tree species, Carrierea leyensis, in the karst forests of South China's Guangxi region. 这棵长青树,以其椭圆叶和短小的花瓣为特色,增加了当地植物的多样性,并确认了树种的特性是单一的。 This evergreen tree, distinguished by its elliptic leaves and short petioles, adds to the local flora's diversity and confirms the genus Carrierea is monoecious. 广西植物研究所的发现将基因计数增加到3个,突出了该区域独特的生物多样性。 The discovery, made by the Guangxi Institute of Botany, increases the genus count to three and highlights the region's unique biodiversity.