《坂本之日》是一部关于退休刺客的动画,于 2025 年 1 月 11 日在 Netflix 上首播。 "Sakamoto Days," an anime about a retired assassin, debuts on Netflix January 11, 2025.
根据铃木雄人的漫画改编的动画《坂本之日》将于 2025 年 1 月 11 日在 Netflix 上首播,第二部分将于 7 月上映。 "Sakamoto Days," an anime based on Yuto Suzuki's manga, is set to debut on Netflix on January 11, 2025, with a second part in July. 这一系列紧随其后的是Sakamoto Taro, 一个退休的刺客, 他回到了他的暴力过去。 The series follows Taro Sakamoto, a retired assassin who returns to his violent past. 预告片展示了激烈的动作和幽默,开场主题是"RUN SAKAMOTO RUN"由Vaundy. The trailer showcases intense action and humor, with the opening theme "RUN SAKAMOTO RUN" by Vaundy. 这是2025年最预期的动画系列之一。 Directed by Masaki Watanabe, it's one of the most anticipated anime series of 2025.