Norwich教师Jessica Chapman获得25 000美元的牛奶教育奖,称为“奥斯卡教学奖”。 Norwich teacher Jessica Chapman receives $25,000 Milken Educator Award, dubbed 'Oscar of teaching.'
杰西卡·查普曼(Jessica Chapman)是Norwich Free学院的社会研究教师,获颁了牛奶教育者奖,通常称其为“Oscar of teaching.” Jessica Chapman, a social studies teacher at Norwich Free Academy, has been awarded the Milken Educator Award, often called the 'Oscar of teaching.' Chapman已经教了11年, 获得了25000美元的奖金, 并将应邀参加4月在洛杉矶举行的红地毯仪式。 Chapman, who has been teaching for 11 years, received a $25,000 prize and will be invited to a red-carpet ceremony in Los Angeles in April. 该奖项表彰了全国杰出的教育工作者,并旨在激励未来的教师。 The award recognizes exceptional educators nationwide and aims to inspire future teachers.