北墨尔本AFL俱乐部 从2025年起每年在西澳大利亚州 玩两场家庭游戏 North Melbourne AFL club to play two home games a year in Western Australia from 2025.
澳大利亚橄球联盟 (AFL) 俱乐部北墨尔本将在2025年至2027年期间每年在西澳大利亚进行两场"主场"比赛,结束了与塔斯马尼亚的14年合作关系. AFL club North Melbourne will play two "home" games annually in Western Australia from 2025 to 2027, ending their 14-year partnership with Tasmania. 比赛将在珀斯的奥普图斯体育场和本伯里与WA俱乐部Fremantle和西海岸的Punbury's Hands Oval举行。 Games will be hosted at Optus Stadium in Perth and Bunbury's Hands Oval against WA clubs Fremantle and West Coast. Jen Watt首席执行官说,这项交易确保金融稳定,有利于俱乐部的设施和人才发展。 CEO Jen Watt says the deal ensures financial stability and benefits for the club's facilities and talent development.