尼日利亚政治人物指控提努布总统因出席宗教高峰会而犯有可弹劾的罪行。 Nigerian politician accuses President Tinubu of an impeachable offense for attending a religious summit.
尼日利亚政治家Charles Udeogaranya指控博拉·蒂努布总统因出席阿拉伯-伊斯兰首脑会议而犯下可弹劾的罪行。 Charles Udeogaranya, a Nigerian politician, has accused President Bola Tinubu of committing an impeachable offense by attending the Arab-Islamic Summit. Udeogaranya认为,Tinubu的参与违反了尼日利亚将国家与宗教事务分开的世俗宪法。 Udeogaranya argues that Tinubu's participation violates Nigeria's secular constitution, which separates the state from religious matters. 他敦促国民议会劝告总统不要采取暗示宗教结盟的行动。 He urges the National Assembly to advise the President against actions that imply a religious alignment.