New World Solutions 的 dialMKT 与 合作推出全球豪华手表拍卖会。 New World Solutions' dialMKT partners with to launch global luxury watch auctions.
New World Solutions 的子公司 dialMKT 与 合作,为全球奢侈手表收藏家推出在线拍卖。 New World Solutions' subsidiary, dialMKT, has teamed up with to launch online auctions for luxury watch collectors worldwide. 这一伙伴关系将利用Bidsquare的技术平台,包括现场招标和全球买家数据库,扩大拨号MKT的覆盖面。 The partnership will leverage Bidsquare's technology platform, including live bidding and a global buyer database, to expand dialMKT's reach. 第一场拍卖定于2024年12月4日举行,提供稀有的古董和现代手表,具有高度透明度和个性化服务。 The first auction is set for December 4, 2024, offering rare vintage and modern watches with high transparency and personalized service.