男子在打电话时用刀子威胁副警长后被捕,与闯入教堂有关。 Man arrested after threatening deputy with knife during call, linked to church break-in.
一名来自Portage的64岁的男子在用刀威胁一名副手后被捕,当时副手对关于焚烧叶子的报告作出回应。 A 64-year-old man from Portage was arrested after threatening a deputy with a knife when deputies responded to a report of burning leaves. 最初合作时,他突然拿出一把刀,以殴打一名警官和拒捕罪逮捕他。 Initially cooperative, he suddenly pulled out a knife, leading to his arrest on charges of assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest. 进一步的调查将他与早些时候在当地教堂发生的一起闯入事件相关联。 Further investigation linked him to an earlier break-in at a local church. 当局正在寻求有关该事件的更多信息。 Authorities are seeking more information on the incident.