Deion Patterson是北赛德医院枪击案的被告,法官对Deion Patterson作出裁决,他没有资格接受审判。 Judge rules Deion Patterson, accused in Northside Hospital shootings, not competent to stand trial.
一名富尔顿县法官裁定,被指控于2023年5月在Northside医院诊所向五名妇女开枪的24岁军人Deion Patterson不具备受审资格。 A Fulton County judge has ruled that Deion Patterson, the 24-year-old military veteran accused of shooting five women at a Northside Hospital clinic in May 2023, is not competent to stand trial. 帕特森目前接受格鲁吉亚行为健康和发育残疾部的照料。 Patterson is currently under the care of the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities. 为重新评估其智力能力而安排的听证会将在三个月内举行。 A hearing to reassess his mental competency is scheduled in three months. Patterson面临包括谋杀、谋杀未遂和严重袭击在内的指控。 Patterson faces charges including murder, attempted murder, and aggravated assault.