IQM 计划到2030年实现1M Qbits的耐过量计算。 IQM outlines plan to achieve fault-tolerant quantum computing with 1M qubits by 2030.
IQM 量子计算机(QM 量子计算机)披露了到2030年实现容错量计算路线图,目的是建立一个100万的系统。 IQM Quantum Computers has revealed a roadmap to achieve fault-tolerant quantum computing by 2030, aiming for a system with 1 million qubits. 该计划包括合并两种处理器类型,以便有效地纠正错误,并建立一个灵活的软件系统。 The plan involves combining two processor types for efficient error correction and creating a flexible software system. 该公司还展示了在先进制造设施支持下在量子机器学习和模拟方面的应用。 The company also showcased applications in quantum machine learning and simulations, supported by advanced fabrication facilities.