丹麦皇家法院结束了19世纪的标签制度,允许到2029年在产品上使用王冠。 Danish royal court ends 19th-century labeling system allowing use of the crown on products by 2029.
丹麦皇家法院正在逐步取消19世纪的标签制度,允许各公司在其产品上使用丹麦王室的形象。 Denmark's royal court is phasing out a 19th-century labeling system that allows companies to use the Danish crown's image on their products. 目前,104家丹麦公司和5家外国公司持有这些皇家逮捕令,到2029年12月31日将停止执行。 Currently, 104 Danish and five foreign companies have these royal warrants, which will be discontinued by December 31, 2029. 法院相信,这一系统已经过时,计划通过其他手段支持企业,如在正式访问期间宣传这些企业。 The court believes this system is outdated and plans to support businesses through other means, such as promoting them during official visits.