加拿大女子足球教练在对无人机的对手进行间谍活动进行调查后被开除。 Canadian women's soccer coach fired after investigation into spying on rivals with drones.
加拿大女子足球教练Bev Priestman及其工作人员在调查巴黎奥运会期间使用无人机对对手队进行间谍活动后被解雇。 Canadian women's soccer coach Bev Priestman and her staff have been fired following an investigation into using drones to spy on rival teams during the Paris Olympics. 独立审查发现,国家小组文化差,缺乏监督。 The independent review found a poor culture and lack of oversight within the national team. 加拿大足球协会将寻求新教练并进行改革,包括道德操守培训和新的审计与合规委员会。 Canada Soccer will seek a new coach and implement changes, including ethics training and a new Audit and Compliance Committee.