加拿大官员调查WADA可能未经授权分享运动员的个人数据。 Canadian officials investigate WADA over potential unauthorized sharing of athletes' personal data.
加拿大官员正在调查世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)如何处理运动员的生物样本。 Canadian officials are investigating the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) over concerns about how it handles athletes' biological samples. 隐私专员将审查WADA的做法是否符合加拿大的隐私法。 The Privacy Commissioner will examine if WADA's practices comply with Canadian privacy laws. 一份投诉称,世界残疾协会与国际联合会分享个人数据,以评估运动员未经同意的性别资格。 A complaint alleges that WADA shared personal data with international federations to assess athletes' sex-based eligibility without consent. 1999年成立的WADA承认调查和计划澄清其立场。 WADA, established in 1999, has acknowledged the investigation and plans to clarify its position.