艾伯塔省广播电台在持续到 2 月的比赛中提供一辆价值 60,000 美元的吉普牧马人。 Alberta radio station offers a $60,000 Jeep Wrangler in a contest running through February.
艾伯塔的一家当地广播电台正在赠送一辆价值超过60,000美元的2024年吉普车。 A local radio station in Alberta is giving away a 2024 Jeep Wrangler worth over $60,000. 要参加,听众必须在工作日上午 7:40 收听,在“Wrangle Winter Word of the Day”中发短信,每天有一人赢得 Kala and Lime 礼品卡。 To enter, listeners must tune in weekdays at 7:40 a.m., text in the "Wrangle Winter Word of the Day," and one person each day wins a Kala and Lime gift card. 该吉普车包括一台V6发动机、加热座椅、触摸屏和路外功能。 The Jeep includes a V6 engine, heated seats, a touchscreen, and off-road features. 2月8日结束,2月20日宣布获胜者当选 Entries close February 8, with the winner announced on February 20.