芝加哥风溪南岸赌场开张,为郊区南部社区提供有希望的工作和收入分享。 Wind Creek Chicago Southland Casino opened, promising jobs and revenue sharing for south suburban communities.
美国伊利诺伊州东海泽克雷斯特市的529万美元的Wind Creek Chicago Southland场在退伍军人节向大批人群开放. Wind Creek Chicago Southland Casino, a $529 million facility in East Hazel Crest, Illinois, opened on Veterans Day to a large crowd. 它由Poarch Creek印第安人经营,拥有1 400个空位,56场桌球比赛,还有一本体育手册,计划建造一家16层的旅馆。 Operated by the Poarch Creek Indians, it features 1,400 slots, 56 table games, and a sportsbook, with plans for a 16-story hotel. 该赌场旨在创造1 000多个就业机会,并与40个郊区南部社区分享赌博收入,主要惠及黑人和棕色社区。 The casino aims to create over 1,000 jobs and share gaming revenue with 40 south suburban communities, primarily benefiting Black and brown neighborhoods. 尽管人们关切竞争问题,但管理人员对竞争的成功持乐观态度。 Despite concerns about competition, executives are optimistic about its success.