英国足球教练马克·斯托普斯否认了退出的传闻,尽管赛季不佳,但他对碗赛保持乐观。 UK football coach Mark Stoops denies rumors of quitting, stays optimistic for bowl game despite poor season.
英国足球教练Mark Stoops否认谣言, UK football coach Mark Stoops denied rumors of stepping down despite a 3-6 season. Stoops仍对打碗赛持乐观态度, 并强调了即将对穆雷州、得克萨斯州和路易斯维尔的比赛的重要性。 Stoops remains optimistic about making a bowl game and highlighted the importance of upcoming matches against Murray State, Texas, and Louisville. 他还讨论了受伤球员的状况,并将在本周晚些时候予以更新。 He also discussed the status of injured players, which will be updated later in the week. 粉丝们在斯托普斯的领导权问题上意见不一 但他拒绝了离开肯塔基州的想法 Fans are divided on Stoops' leadership, but he has dismissed the idea of leaving Kentucky.