在印度安得拉邦创造一万个工作岗位并大量投资于能源和技术的Tata集团。 Tata Group to create 10,000 jobs and invest heavily in energy and tech in Andhra Pradesh, India.
与安得拉邦首席部长会晤后, Tata Group计划在印度Viskhapatnam建立新的信息技术发展中心, 创造约10,000个工作岗位。 Tata Group plans to establish a new IT development center in Visakhapatnam, India, creating around 10,000 jobs, following a meeting with Andhra Pradesh's Chief Minister. 该公司还考虑在太阳能和风能方面投资40,000克朗,并在该州设立20家旅馆。 The company also considers investing ₹40,000 crore in solar and wind energy and setting up 20 hotels in the state. 此外,它们旨在就保健方面的深层技术和AI项目进行合作,促进安得拉邦的经济增长。 Additionally, they aim to collaborate on deep tech and AI projects for healthcare, boosting economic growth in Andhra Pradesh.