SUNEVision与绿色谷地填埋和CLP Power合作开展一个太阳能项目,旨在减少香港的碳排放量。 SUNeVision partners with Green Valley Landfill and CLP Power on a solar project, aiming to reduce carbon emissions in Hong Kong.
SUNEVision是香港最大的数据中心提供商, 与绿谷填地及CLP Power合作推出可再生能源项目。 SUNeVision, Hong Kong's largest data center provider, has teamed up with Green Valley Landfill and CLP Power to launch a renewable energy project. 该倡议涉及SUNEVision从CLP Power公司购买可再生能源证书,该证书与一个新的太阳能农场挂钩,预计将每年生产120万千瓦小时,每年减少碳排放量约468吨。 The initiative involves SUNeVision buying renewable energy certificates from CLP Power, linked to a new solar farm expected to produce 1.2 million kWh annually, reducing carbon emissions by around 468 tonnes per year. 这与香港《2050年气候行动计划》相一致,旨在促进可持续的商业做法。 This aligns with Hong Kong's Climate Action Plan 2050 and aims to promote sustainable business practices.