索诺玛制药公司的Microcyn水凝获得FDA的批准, 用于伤口护理, Sonoma Pharmaceuticals' Microcyn hydrogel gets FDA clearance for wound care, available OTC for minor skin issues.
索诺玛制药公司已获得FDA 510 ((k) 许可,用于其基于Microcyn技术的水凝,医疗专业人员可以使用该水凝来治疗伤口,烧伤和. Sonoma Pharmaceuticals has received FDA 510(k) clearance for its Microcyn technology-based hydrogel, which can be used by healthcare professionals to manage wounds, burns, and ulcers. 它还被清除,供场外使用,用于轻微皮肤问题,如割伤和烧伤。 It also cleared for over-the-counter use on minor skin issues like lacerations and burns. 清关工作经过更严格的生物兼容性测试,适用于50毫升瓶,保存期24个月。 The clearance follows more rigorous biocompatibility testing and applies to 50mL bottles with a 24-month shelf life.