索拉里斯资源公司报告说,厄瓜多尔的Warintza项目取得了重大进展,该项目在2024年的钻探中超过75 000米。 Solaris Resources reports significant progress on Ecuador's Warintza Project, exceeding 75,000 meters in 2024 drilling.
Solaris Resources Inc.报告了厄瓜多尔Warintza项目的进展,2024年的钻探量超过75 000米。 Solaris Resources Inc. reports progress on its Warintza Project in Ecuador, with 2024 drilling set to exceed 75,000 meters. 该公司改善了25公里的公路进出,并建造了8公里新的钻井和后勤道路。 The company has improved 25km of road access and built 8km of new roads for drilling and logistics. 他们为基础设施和冶金工作完成了各种钻探和测试方案,重点是提高铜、金和的回收率。 They completed various drilling and testing programs for infrastructure and metallurgical work, focusing on improving recovery rates for copper, gold, and molybdenum.