塔斯基吉大学发生枪击事件,造成 1 人死亡,16 人受伤;当局逮捕了 25 岁的 Jaquez Myrick。 A shooting at Tuskegee University left one dead and 16 injured; authorities arrested 25-year-old Jaquez Myrick.
塔斯基吉大学在返校庆祝活动期间发生枪击事件,造成一名 18 岁男子死亡,16 人受伤,12 人受枪伤。 A shooting at Tuskegee University during homecoming celebrations left one 18-year-old man dead and 16 others injured, with 12 suffering gunshot wounds. 25 岁的 Jaquez Myrick 被捕并被指控在联邦地区持有机枪。 Jaquez Myrick, 25, was arrested and charged with federal possession of a machine gun. 该大学周一取消了课程,并为学生提供了悲伤咨询。 The university canceled classes on Monday and provided grief counseling for students. 包括联邦调查局在内的执法部门正在调查这起事件并寻求公众线索。 Law enforcement, including the FBI, is investigating the incident and seeking public tips.