稀有的北美猩红色唐纳雀在英国约克郡吸引了观鸟者,吸引了 220 英里以外的游客。 Rare North American scarlet tanager attracts birdwatchers in Yorkshire, UK, drawing visitors up to 220 miles.
一种罕见的猩红色唐纳雀,通常分布在北美,吸引了数百名观鸟者来到英国哈利法克斯附近 Shelf 的一条死胡同。 A rare scarlet tanager, typically found in North America, has attracted hundreds of birdwatchers to a cul-de-sac in Shelf, near Halifax, UK. 这只明亮的红鸟,在本地范围以外很少见,可能是2014年以来在约克郡和英国的首次有记录的目击。 This bright red bird, rarely seen outside its native range, may be the first recorded sighting in Yorkshire and the UK since 2014. 鸟类爱好者登上220英里远的路程,来看不寻常的游客,据信是暴风雨条件下穿越大西洋的。 Bird enthusiasts traveled up to 220 miles to see the unusual visitor, believed to have been carried across the Atlantic by storm conditions.